Attached is a plan indicating were live termite activity was found. A substantial infestation exist along the Northern side of the house. Termite galleries rise up the NE brick pier of the subfloor entering the main bearer between the ant cap and spreading through the floor boards (photo of galleries attached No 1, 2). It appears the bearer resting on the ant cap butting the patio (photo No 3, 4) is carrying most of the activity. Termite dogs have positively indicated on wall butting to patio. There appears to be Termite activity possibly a nest inside the patio. How ever the patio being a void unfortunately cannot be visually inspected inside. It appears the infestation in this area mentioned is entering from the front patio. The patio could be a favourable nesting environment and should be considered when treatment is applied. Termite activity found also in shelving framwork (photo No 6, 7). it leads to cellar walls which rest on concrete slab, no obvious damage to pine wall was observed. Could not inspect base of wall efficiently. Damage to subfloor timbers does not appear to be extensive. Although extensive damage has been observed to hardwood floor boards. Floor board damage is concealed by floating floor and carpet.